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Telephoto lenses can be incredibly useful, but how is it different from other lenses, and when should you use it?


什么是远摄镜头? (What Is a Telephoto Lens?)

A telephoto lens is a lens that appears to magnify distant objects. To do that, they need to have a focal length longer than that of , or a lens that approximates the optical qualities of the human eye. A normal lens has a focal length of between 40mm and 58mm on a so any lens with a focal length longer than 60mm can be considered a telephoto lens. The longer the focal length, the more magnification there is.

远摄镜头是看起来可以放大远处物体的镜头。 为此,它们需要具有比或近似于人眼光学质量的镜头更长的焦距。 在上,普通镜头的焦距在40mm到58mm之间,因此任何焦距超过60mm的镜头都可以视为远摄镜头。 焦距越长,放大倍数越大。

The most common have a focal range of 70mm to 200mm. Any lens with a focal length longer than about 300mm can be considered a super telephoto lens as well.

最常见的的焦距范围为70mm至200mm。 焦距大于300mm的任何镜头也可以被视为超远摄镜头。

On a crop sensor camera, telephoto lenses are those with a focal length longer than about 40mm, although the magnification will be minimal until about 50mm.


Let’s look at this in action. This photo was taken at 50mm, a normal focal length, on a full frame camera. The photo appears pretty similar to how things look with your eyes. The other photos were all taken from the same spot with a crop sensor camera; I don’t have a long enough full frame telephoto to really make the point clear.

让我们看看实际情况。 这张照片是在全画幅相机上以正常焦距50mm拍摄的。 该照片看起来与您的眼睛看起来非常相似。 其他照片都是用作物传感器相机从同一地点拍摄的; 我没有足够长的全画幅远摄镜头来真正说明这一点。

This photo was taken at 45mm using a crop sensor camera. The full frame equivalent focal length is 72mm. You can see how the image is a little tighter on the car.

这张照片是使用作物传感器相机在45mm处拍摄的。 全帧等效焦距为72mm。 您可以看到汽车上的图像更加紧密。

This photo was taken at 85mm, equivalent to 136mm on a full frame camera. Now the car totally fills the frame.

这张照片是在85mm处拍摄的,相当于全画幅相机上的136mm。 现在,汽车完全充满了车架。

This photo was taken at 135, equivalent to 216mm on a full frame camera. We’re incredibly close to the car compared to the normal photo. It’s impossible to fit the whole thing in the picture.

这张照片是在全画幅相机上以135毫米拍摄的,相当于216毫米。 与普通照片相比,我们离汽车非常近。 整个图片都不可能适合。

远摄镜头如何影响您的图像 (How a Telephoto Lens Affects Your Images)

The main effect of telephoto lenses is that, like a telescope, they magnify distant objects. Distant football players, small birds sitting in trees, and other similar subjects are all much easier to capture with a telephoto lens.

远摄镜头的主要作用是像望远镜一样放大远处的物体。 远距离足球运动员,坐在树上的小鸟以及其他类似的物体都可以用远摄镜头轻松捕捉。

The flipside of this is that they have a very narrow field of view. To use a telephoto effectively, you need to stand well back from your subject. With a 70mm telephoto lens, you have to stand around 15 feet back from a human subject to fit them in the frame. With longer telephoto lenses, how far away you need to be from your subject to get everything in frame grows quickly.

不利的一面是它们的视野非常狭窄。 为了有效地使用长焦,您需要远离被摄对象。 使用70mm远摄镜头时,您必须与人体距离大约15英尺远才能将其安装在框架中。 使用更长的远摄镜头,您需要距离被摄对象多远才能使所有东西都在框架中。

It’s very easy to get a with a telephoto lens; it’s one of the reasons they are so popular with portrait photographers. It also means that it’s very hard to get photos with a large depth of field. Even at apertures like f/11 or f/16, you still will struggle to get everything in the frame in focus.

用远摄镜头很容易获得。 这是他们在肖像摄影师中如此受欢迎的原因之一。 这也意味着要获得大景深的照片非常困难。 即使在像f / 11或f / 16这样的光圈下,您仍将难以使框架中的所有物体聚焦。

Telephoto lenses appear to compress everything in the image. Objects that are distant in real life will appear closer together in the image. This is neither a positive nor a negative, just an effect you need to be aware of.

远摄镜头似乎可以压缩图像中的所有内容。 现实生活中较远的物体在图像中会显得更靠近。 这既不是积极也不是消极的,只是您需要意识到的一种效果。

长焦镜头的优缺点 (The Pros and Cons of Telephoto Lenses)

Telephoto lenses are great for getting close to your subject without having to be physically close. You can’t walk into the middle of a football game or wander right up to a shy bird to take a photo so instead, with a telephoto, you can sit back snap from a distance.

远摄镜头非常适合靠近您的物体,而不必物理上靠近。 您不能走进足球比赛的中间,也不能走到一只害羞的鸟上拍照,因此,您可以通过远摄远距离坐下。

Telephoto lenses take great portraits. The 70mm-105mm range is very very popular for them. Personally, I use an 85mm lens for most of mine.

远摄镜头可拍摄出色的人像。 70mm-105mm的范围对他们来说非常受欢迎。 就我个人而言,我大部分时候都使用85mm镜头。

While telephotos do everything they’re meant to do wonderfully, they do have a few downsides. They tend to be big and heavy. It’s just a side-effect of having a long focal length. This makes them awkward and unwieldy, even at the best of times.

虽然长焦摄录机可以做的很棒,但是它们确实有一些缺点。 他们往往又大又沉。 这只是焦距长的副作用。 即使在最好的时候,这也使他们笨拙而笨拙。

You also have to be far away from your subjects to use a telephoto lens. When you’re outside, this is normally okay, but in any confined area, you might not be able to get enough distance to get your subject in frame.

您还必须远离主体,才能使用远摄镜头。 当您在户外时,通常没关系,但是在任何密闭区域中,您可能无法获得足够的距离以使拍摄对象保持清晰。

Telephoto lenses also require to get . Even with a tripod, if you use a telephoto lens with a shutter speed lower than about 1/200th of a second you risk having camera shake in your images. This means they need a lot more light to get good photos; using a long telephoto lens at night is almost impossible.

长焦镜头还需要才能获得。 即使使用三脚架,如果使用快门速度低于约1/200秒的远摄镜头,图像中也会有相机抖动的危险。 这意味着他们需要更多的光线才能拍摄出优质的照片。 晚上使用长焦镜头几乎是不可能的。

可以使用哪些远摄镜头? (What Telephoto Lenses are Available?)

The majority of affordable telephoto lenses are zoom lenses, although you can get a few single focal length prime lenses if you want a specific portrait lens. Here are some of the best starting options for different cameras.

大多数负担得起的长焦镜头都是变焦镜头,尽管如果您需要特定的人像镜头,则可以使用一些单焦距定焦镜头。 以下是针对不同相机的一些最佳入门选项。

佳能 (Canon)

  • Full Frame: .


  • Crop Sensor: .


尼康 (Nikon)

  • Full Frame: .


  • Crop Sensor: .


A telephoto lens is one of the first purchases most photographers should make once they’ve master the kit lens. They’re necessary for a lot of popular fields of photography, like sports and wildlife.

远摄镜头是大多数摄影师精通套装镜头后应首先购买的镜头之一。 对于许多流行的摄影领域(例如运动和野生动植物)来说,它们是必不可少的。




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